True Fullscreen Fit-to-Width Document Viewer

I like to read documents in fullscreen mode using keyboard navigation. I want a viewing mode with the following properties:

  1. No scrollbars
  2. No navigation toolbars
  3. No drop-shadow page borders
  4. Fit-to-width display
  5. Emacs-style scrolling, maintaining 2 lines of context for continuity

To me 1, 2 and probably 3 should be properties of anything claiming to be “fullscreen mode”. Unfortunately fullscreen mode now seems to mean “mostly fullscreen mode with some widgets reminding you you’re in fullscreen mode”. Nowadays what I want would be called “true fullscreen mode”.

The DjVuLibre document viewer can be configured to support all these requirements. It provides a perfectly clean mode, allowing you to really focus on the document itself with no distractions. Unfortunately it only supports DjVu documents.

Evince has excellent multi-format support but its fullscreen fit-to-width mode fails 1 with an ever-present vertical scrollbar, 3 and 5. Its presentation mode is fully-uncluttered but it is necessarily not fit-to-width, so it’s not great for just reading documents.

Okular seems at first glance to have format support equivalent to Evince but its fullscreen fit-to-width mode fails 2 with a non-removable navigation footer, 3 and 5.

Maybe I’ll file some Evince feature requests. In the meantime, any suggestions for other viewers?

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